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AAAC Skunk Removal & Control In Riverside CA
Riverside’s most gentle and complete skunk removal service!

Owner: Ronald & Patti Chavez
Humane Certified Professional
Certified Marksman
Home Repair Specialist
AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional
29910 Murrieta Hot Springs Road #G-145
Murrieta, CA 92563-3815
Call today: 619-878-3108
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Skunk Removal Riverside County, California
Skunk Removal Riverside
While skunks typically live in clearings, pastures and open lands, they can still show up in your neighborhood; especially around the wooded areas of Riverside. We have begun to get more calls from clients who need to have skunks removed from their home. What some people may not realize is that skunks are crazy good diggers. They often burrow under homes to create a habitat for themselves or to find more food. They will burrow under porches, buildings and even foundations.This can create extensive damage which can become expensive if the skunks are not removed in a timely fashion.
Skunks will also dig holes in your yard, garden or crop fields. Sometimes, tracks are quite easy to spot and can be identified as belonging to a skunk. Their tracks display easily recognizable claw marks and hind feet that are typically around two and half inches long.
To avoid major damage to your home, especially your foundation which can be a very costly job to fix, it is best to call a professional to remove the skunks from your home. A All Animal Control specializes in efficient skunk removal that is completely humane and can provide seal up methods to keep the skunks from returning to your home.
Other Facts about Skunks
- A skunk can spray it’s odor up to ten feet and can be detected from up to a mile and a half away.
- The skunks’ scientific name, “Mephitis mephitis” is actually a term meaning “stench”. Appropriate right?
- Skunks can eat venomous snakes due to their immunity to its venom. Skunks are known to eat rattlesnakes, which is actually a benefit for us here in California.
- While skunks can hear and smell quite well, they have terrible vision; which is ironic since their defense mechanism revolves around a very foul odor.
- Despite the rumor, not every skunk has rabies. Keep in mind that every mammal can contract rabies. If you fear you may have come in contact with an animal that has rabies, get yourself checked. If a skunk is infected with rabies you can only contract it from them through their saliva, from a bite.
- Skunks really don’t spray unless they are defending their young; as a matter of a fact, they will give you several warning signs telling you to back off before they spray. Skunks will display warning signs such as lowering its head, arching its back, lifting tail and stamping their feet.
- During the early part of the year (February-June) you will start seeing skunks as road kill a lot more frequently. Most skunks get hit while crossing the road at night, as they are looking for a mate.
- Skunks will roll caterpillars on the ground to remove the hairs before eating them. Talk about picky!
- More skunk facts
Skunk Trapping Riverside
Skunks commonly use a front or rear porch and patio to rear their young. Removal of baby skunks from a porch or patio is a very unique process that should be professionally resolved to prevent the Skunks from entering the home and endangering the occupants. You may or may not smell the Skunks living under your home. If the skunk has sprayed recently, the odor will follow. We offer deodorization services for Skunk odor removal. May is a prime time for the young to be born and sounds described as shrieking may be heard. Don’t panic if you hear these sounds. Call the professionals at A All Animal Control for immediate assistance!
Skunks living in a crawlspace will defecate and urinate and contaminate the insulation and soil. These droppings should be removed to control diseases. Often the best way to remove skunks is by trapping. We know how to get rid of a skunk and have years of experience doing so. Skunk control is one of our specialties at A All Animal Control.
Trapping a skunk humanely is important to prevent injury to the skunk. Getting rid of a skunk is a process that should be carried out with proper planning and procedures. skunks removal can be done in an efficient manner with the proper tools and training. Skunks will dig for grubs, a process called “grubbing” in lawns and landscapes. Grubs are a great source of protein for skunks.
Skunks also carry rabies, distemper and mange. These diseases can be transmitted to humans and to your pets. Make sure your pets have been vaccinated against these harmful and fatal diseases.
A dead skunk in your porch, patio or crawlspace is a service that we provide including the deodorization of the area. Skunks do occasionally die in unusual places and they must be removed as soon as possible. We have even found a dead skunk in a wall. Leaving the skunk will only make the problem worse and cause further damage to your home and attract other animals and insects. Animal control for skunk is a necessary service to protect your home and family. Removing skunk is the first step to making your home healthy again. Get rid of skunks the right way before the problem gets out of control.